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The in-house consultancy for the public sector

Der Empfangsbereich im PD-Büro am Standort Berlin

A partner to the public administration sector

Major construction projects, medical technology or IT projects, complex procurement procedures or managing a major project – these are all undertakings that present many challenges. When such projects involve the public sector, they are often faced with a number of additional special requirements. This is where PD comes in as your experts.

As a public sector partner, we combine economic-strategic know-how with expert knowledge of the special processes and structures in the public sector. This is why we are able to offer consulting and management services for all matters concerning modern public administration. We only work with the federal government, federal states, local authorities, and other public bodies and institutions. Last but not least, PD itself is also 100 percent publicly owned and can therefore be commissioned directly.

PD is the in-house consultancy
for the public sector.

What makes PD stand out

With over 800 consultants in our offices in Berlin, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt am Main, Hamburg, Munich, Nuremberg, Stuttgart and Wiesbaden, PD works every day to create a progressive, transparent and open public sector.

The expertise of PD’s Strategic Public Administration Modernisation and Construction, Infrastructure, Municipal Consulting business units is available to clients from all government levels.

PD's consulting services are distinguished by extensive expertise in organisation and management as well as profound technical know-how.

In addition, our work is supported by strategic advice from a first-rate advisory board.

In der englischsprachigen Unternehmenspräsentation finden Sie weitere Informationen zur PD.
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Der Empfangsbereich im PD-Büro am Standort Berlin

Contact us PD – Berater der öffentlichen Hand GmbH write message

+49 30 257679-0 Friedrichstr. 149 10117 Berlin

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Drei Mitarbeitende der PD unterhalten sich auf dem Flur

Let us work with you

We provide expert advice to our public sector clients on all matters concerning modern infrastructure and improved administrative processes. Our public partners commission us to provide in-house consulting services – which we deliver quickly and efficiently

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Kolleginnen und Kollegen stehen vor einer Glaswand und kleben gelbe Notizzettel

Our clients and projects

As public sector in-house consultants, we supports a wide range of clients at federal, state and local levels. Our approximately 750 consultants have a profound understanding of the specific requirements of these administrative levels – and demonstrate this every day in the work…

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Eiine Frau hält ein Blatt Papier in der einen und einen Stift in der anderen Hand, während sie gestikulierend mit einer Mann und einer Frau im Büro spricht.

Become a consultant

We are a partner to the public sector and a constantly growing team working together to develop the perfect solutions for our public sector clients. We are always on the lookout for more progressive thinkers!

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